Apply Now: Gov’t Rolls out Youth Empowerment/Employment Programs with Funds/Support

The Government of Ghana  is rolling on YOUTH EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMS in three Categories. They are here to help move your small business to the next level by providing you with relevant and timely business support.

Apply Now: Gov't  Rolls out Youth Empowerment/Employment Programs with Funds/Support

How to Apply

Interested persons can start the process online by following this link. NB: The registration is online. The options for businesses are outlined for further steps in the applications. The particulars for the registration are:

    1. TIN number
    2.   ID card number
    3.  Passport Picture



A programme intended to equip the youth in ALL areas EXCEPT DRIVING

1. School dropouts
4. Between the ages of 16 and 35

Training package
1. Tuition free

2. Supply of working Tools to the trainees

3. Writing and Awarding of NVTI Certificate

Kindly inform your sisters, friends, brothers etc to take the advantage and register

The programs allows you to Learn to make a plan that can turn your idea into a thriving business with the help of professionals. They also  help you with business registration and licensing whiles you Run your business with your eyes on details that matter. Now that your business is running, it’s time to expand your operations.

About the NBSSI Program

NBSSI was established by an Act of the Parliament of the Third Republic of Ghana (Act 434 of 1981) and operationalized in 1985 because Government views the sector as having the potential to contribute substantially to reducing the high unemployment rate as well as the growth of the economy of Ghana. MSEs account for a significant share of economic activity in Ghana and can play an important role in achieving the development goals for production. The long-term goal is for MSEs to maximise their contribution to the country’s economic and social development with respect to production, income distribution and employment and the closer integration of women and people in rural areas into the national economy.

In order to create a single dynamic integrated organization adequately capitalized and capable of responding to the needs of the small-scale enterprises sector, the Government merged the Ghanaian Enterprises Development Commission (GEDC) in 1991 and the Cottage Industries Division of the Department of Rural Housing and Cottage Industries in 1994 with the Board.

Based on Parliamentary Act 434 establishing NBSSI and NRCD 330 (the GEDC promulgation Instrument) the following objectives guide the operations of NBSSI;

To contribute to the creation of an enabling environment for the small-scale enterprise development.

To contribute to the development of an enterprise culture in Ghana by facilitating access to credit.

Facilitate MSEs access to substantial and high quality Business Development Services for their development