Canadian Scholarships for International Students

Over the years, Canada has been the  top destination for students despite the fact the scholarship opportunities have been limited. Of course compared to the U.S and Europe, Canada may have fewer scholarship opportunities but it is a great destination for several reasons. In this article, we shall list the various scholarships available for International Students.

How to Apply for Canadian Scholarships for International Students

  1. Lester B. Pearson International Scholarships

The University of Toronto runs the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship Program with the hope of tapping into exceptionally creative students who need the necessary help to excel in leadership and academics.  The scholarship will cover tuition, books, incidental fees, and full residence support for four years.

2. Humber College International Entrance Scholarships

There are both partial and full scholarships available via Humber.  With excellent scores in SATs or GRE, the opportunities are limitless.

3. York University International Student Scholarship Program

York University attempts to give back to the society by arranging scholarships for students with amazing academic record. Once admitted into York, students are eligible for scholarships worth $60,000 – $100,000 for a four-year degree program.

4. University of British Columbia Scholarships for International Students

Over $10m is devoted by UBC in the form of academic scholarships and assistance every year.

5. Carleton University Entrance Scholarships for International Students

Carleton offers partial scholarships worth $4,000 – $16,000 to exemplary students who meet the admission average criteria of 80% and above.

6. Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships

The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS) was created to attract and retain world-class doctoral students and to establish Canada as a global centre of excellence in research and higher learning. The scholarships are towards a doctoral degree (or combined MA/PhD or MD/PhD) at participating Canadian Universities. The scholarship is worth $50,000 per year for three years.

7. University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships

The University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships (UMGF) are merit-based awards that are open to students of any nationality who will be registered as full-time graduate students (Masters or Ph.D.) at the University of Manitoba. The fellowships are valued at $18,000 for PhD students, or $14,000 for Master’s students for a 12-month period.

8. Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarships

The scholarships are open to foreign nationals (with a preference for candidates from the developing world) who are applying to a doctoral program in the social sciences and humanities or registered full-time in the first or second year of such a program at a Canadian university. Its annual value is up to $60,000 per scholar for a maximum of three years.

9. University of Waterloo International Master’s and Doctoral Student Awards

Eligible full-time international students starting a research-based master’s program or PhD program will receive an International Student Award valued at $2,045 per term for 2 years (Master’s) or $4,090 per term for 3 years (PhD).University of Calgary offers a wide range of full and partial scholarships for international students. Scholarship value range from $1,000 to $40,000 and covers different fields of study

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