Apply Now: The Truth About Tuition Free Education in Germany

Education in Germany at the Tertiary level and particularly post graduate, is free at almost all public Universities. This is a fact and for most people, it is easier because some of the courses are taught in English. Briefly in this write up, we shall address the whole truth about this seeming scholarship in Germany.

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First of all, tuition free in Germany means TUITION FREE and nothing more/less. This means that you are not required to pay for TUITION FEES during your study if the school and program are under the scope of tuition free.

The average tuition fee for a  two year post graduate program hovers between 25,000 euro and 40,000 euro. To have that scraped off means that you have no reason to not go to Deutschland to school/study.

How to Apply:

Language under this tuition free study in Germany is important. The fact that it  is Germany does not mean that all the languages are in Deutsche. No!!! Some of the programs under the tuition free study/scholarship in Germany are in English.

This means that if you have enough proof that you can speak and write in English and are qualified for the program, you will get in.

Even so, if an individual has at least C1 in Deutsche proficiency, the programs he can apply to are endless. Our advice is to learn the language and apply!! If one insists on NOT learning the language, there are still opportunities.

The trick that scares people with this ‘Scholarship”

German government knows that she is giving you over 40,000 euro in knowledge and all she requires is to proof that for the period of your study, you can take care of yourself.

One is expected to deposit at least 8,640uro into a blocked Germany account before beginning his study. This money is for YOU!!! not the German Government. Every month, the student will be given 720euro of that money. The government has calculated that is what the average student needs so the money makes sure you do not become a burden on the government.

This write up has addressed most of the concerns. We will work on  Chapter 2 based on questions that arise from this.



3 Replies to “Apply Now: The Truth About Tuition Free Education in Germany”

  1. I will love to study medicine
    Is there any scholarship available?
    Or study masters in public health,Biomedical engineering,masters in medical research or masters in Forensic science

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