Apply Now: US Army Online Application for all Positions.

No matter your interest in the US Military, once you are ready, the Online Application is available for applications. At the moment, the US Army offers  clear path to a full career of aid in educational scholarships; Army ROTC Scholarship etc. These US Army applications start online and ensure a life-changing path for you, even if you are not a citizen of the United States.

How to Apply for U.S Army as a Non-Citizen

The US Military allows for applications to be started online and done carefully whiles going through training etc. Follow this link to begin your application if you have the right documentation.

US Army for non-citizens

For non-citizens, US Army recruitment for non-citizens can happens through

-Green Card



General Qualifications

They Include
• You must be a U.S. citizen/resident
• You must be 17-35 years old
• You must be in good physical condition
• You must have a clean legal record
• You must have a high school diploma or GED

No Experience for US Army

US Army application for certain categories do not require experience because the US Army aims at shaping your career.

US Army to help build your Career

Research has shown that the U.S. Army is one of the most diverse career training institutions in the United States. This is because the US Army provides a full support for personnel who need to be established with careers. The Army offers thousands of jobs in more than 150 career fields. If help is required to pursue a career path, the US Army is the best place to proceed.

At the moment, the US Army, through the Army Medical Department alone, a Soldier could train to become a family doctor, a dentist, a nurse, a veterinarian, or a surgeon among a plethora of other medical specialties.

Other areas of career path in the US Army are available; finance,  administration etc.  If as a person, you are you interested in law, computer programming, logistics, public affairs, aviation, or financial managing, the Army provides training for all of those careers and many, many more.

The U.S. Army offers the opportunity to immediately train and work in an in-demand career field while earning a competitive salary and fringe benefits, including healthcare and money for college.

The U.S Army Also Offers
• Comprehensive health care
• Generous vacation time
• Family services and support groups
• Special pay for special duties
• Cash allowances to cover the cost of living
• Retirement 401K
• 30 Day Vacation earned annually